Our users

New performance indicator
Otakam is constantly innovating and evolving in order to bring you the best technological solutions in the world of sports and in particular cycling. On Otakam.fr, you will be able to take advantage of many features to analyse your activities, your progress and predict your performances.
estimated power calculation is one of the key feature of the OTAKAM project, allowing all users to benefit from the website's functionalities, if they have a cadence and heart rate sensor. The effort prediction tool, derived from the technical support of the ARKEA-SAMSIC team, is also integrated in order to anticipate all your next training rides or competition. Many other innovations are to be discovered such as access to a competition calendar, a session creation tool, exclusive analysis graphs, etc..
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and evaluate these features for a whole month, free of charge!
Pure design
Everything is done to make your experience as pleasant as possible each time you visit. Nothing is better than a simple and optimised environment to analyse your progress and check your training plans. Get access easily to all of the platform's features and save time for what really matters: creating new adventures for yourself!
Multiple analysis tools, etc.
Your role is crucial in the preparation of athletes and OTAKAM understands this. The performance analysis platform has been created and designed for you, in order to optimise your analysis and training plans. We provide you with many tools to create and work on the sessions of your athletes, we let you discover them here.
Easily Create workouts with the workout builder tool and keep them in a library in order to save your precious time.
As a bonus, you get an athlete account with the coach account. This will allow you to check your sessions yourself and see if they really are as hard as you claim
… Combined with innovation!
Today, there is no need to select athletes with only powermeter to obtain a complete analysis and a relevant training plan. OTAKAM has focused on researching and developing a technological solution that allows everyone to obtain power values without making the expensive choice of purchasing a powermeter. A simple heart rate monitor and a cadence sensor will do the job, and then you can help your athletes analyse their results..
The effort prediction tool will also allow you to prepare competitions or training sessions for your athletes with confidence, by establishing pace objectives based on their potential and the terrain where they will be riding.
Facilitez vous la vie
Vous êtes vous déjà demandé combien de mail vous avez envoyé aux membres de votre club ? Combien de convocation vous avez transmises aux personnes concernées ?
Today, collate all your information on a unique platform and save time in the management of your teams. Follow and manage your squad like a professional by using all the functionalities that OTAKAM offers to coaches and athletes.
Manager becomes child's play
The performance evaluation platform becomes a real partner in the organisation of your structure by integrating simple tools but more than useful in the management of a team. Today, Otakam offers you the possibility to manage a complete race calendar for your athletes while following their progress, their fitness level and by integrating all the clients of your business. As such, no more lengthy emails, you can be sure that everyone will get the information they need in a clear and simple way with just one click.
Our formulas