La Lucien Aimar Dons D'organes

Number of classified : 55
Number of classified : 166
Number of classified : 171
Number of classified : 200
Number of classified : 225
Number of classified : 211
Number of classified : 224
Number of classified : 247
A few words from the organizer

The Lucien Aimar is a cyclosportive, open to all (licensed or not, with a medical certificate) taking place in the Massif des Maures, with for the long course, the highest point Notre Dame des Anges, altitude 780 m.
It will cross the towns of La Londe les Maures – Le Lavandou – Bormes les Mimosas – Collobrières – La Môle – Cogolin – Grimaud – La Garde Freinet – Le Cannet des Maures – Les Mayons – Gonfaron – Pignans – Carnoules – Puget-Ville – Cuers – Pierrefeu-du-Var.

Numerous prizes, such as Televisions, Do-It-Yourself/Do-It-Yourself Appliances, Tableau de Maître, etc. …. will reward men and women in each category.
Spectators will be able to rub shoulders with former cyclists, and those accompanying them will enjoy the beaches of La Favière, Port Miramar and Hyères, not forgetting the weekly Sunday market at La Londe Les Maures.

A Book Fair will be present.

The departures :
Grand Parcours 139 km Red signposting with altitude difference + 2154 m departure 8.30 am
Medium Course 77.5 km Blue signposting + 829 m elevation gain + 829 m start 9.00 am
Short Course 49 km Green signposting + 416 m, start at 9.10 am.
Discovery trail 18.4 km Yellow signposting + 109 m elevation gain, start at 9.30 a.m.

Collection of frame plates with chips at the Salle Yann-Piat (La Londe les Maures), the day before the race (from 14h to 19h) and the morning of the race (from 6h to 9h).

Organised by the leading team of the Tour Méditerranéen Cycliste Professionnel de Lucien Aimar, with the participation of the Communauté de Communes Méditerranée Porte des Maures.

Spectators will be able to rub shoulders with former cyclists, and those accompanying them will enjoy the beaches of La Favière, Port Miramar and Hyères, not forgetting the weekly Sunday market at La Londe Les Maures. We are waiting for you at the Salle des Fêtes Yann Piat, rue de l’Etoile in La Londe les Maures.

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