Lepape Marmotte Granfondo Alpes

Number of classified : 4678
Number of classified : 6681
Number of classified : 6292
Number of classified : 5396
Number of classified : 5542
Number of classified : 1829
Number of classified : 1860
Number of classified : 3988
Number of classified : 3684
Number of classified : 4569
A few words from the organizer

The LEPAPE Marmotte Granfondo Alpes starts at dawn, in the heart of the village of Bourg d’Oisans. Once the start is sounded, all the tension evaporates with the first pedal strokes to the cheers of the enthusiasts. After about ten kilometres on flat ground, the first difficulty of the day appears, the Col du Glandon (1,924m). A long and regular ascent of about twenty kilometres with passages of more than 10%. Once at the summit, safety is a must with the « freezing » of the timing for the descent. Objective: to take your time and above all to negotiate this technical and fast section well.

Once the foot of the pass is reached, a long ascent of the Maurienne Valley awaits the participants. Saint Michel de Maurienne marks the start of the day’s main course with the sequence Télégraphe (1,570m) and Galibier (2,645m), i.e. 2,000m/d+ in 35 km. The refuelling at Valloire halfway along the route allows you to recharge your batteries before attacking the majestic Galibier and its snow walls on the roadside. The descent, via the Col du Lautaret, to Bourg d’Oisans allows organizations to recover a little of the efforts made.

Warning: due to numerous successive tunnels with poor lighting, individual lighting is essential and MANDATORY (light kit / visibility vest).

The 21 laces of the Alpe mark the ultimate difficulty of the day. And not the least because it is a real challenge that awaits the cyclists with the first 2 bends at 13% average. What a beautiful image to see all these cyclists struggling in this mythical climb where the Tour de France has written the most beautiful pages of its history. Once the finish line is crossed, it is a particular mix of emotion, fatigue and sometimes pain, but above all satisfaction and pride, which can be read on the faces of the happy Finishers.

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